The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity

- Amelia Earhart


ZedFund is a geography and sector agnostic private equity fund that provides growth capital to medium and small size companies all around the world. We believe in the person more than the pedigree. Passion, insight and execution of dynamic entrepreneurs with highest standards of integrity are what truly drive our investments and strategic management support. A key distinguishing feature of ZedFund is our ability to go above and beyond developing and validating business plans by translating an idea into proof of concept, prototype or an MVP


ZedFund has backed over 47 companies, founders and teams pursuing attractive market opportunities enabled by innovative and disruptive technologies with a majority of them at an early stage at the time of the first investment by us

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ZedFund has been one of the earliest investors with dozens of teams who dared to pursue their vision of creating and leading new markets, and shaping the future. Meet some of the disrupters that we have backed in the past and who inspire us even today: